A number of fellow bloggers have shared the news that Good Book Company is launching operations in the U.S. That's good news for those who love solid Christian material. The press release is below:
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new, Bible-centered, Christian resource provider in North America. From the 2nd February 2009, The Good Book Company will make available its full range of resources to churches and individuals in North America from its new US-based website.
The Good Book Company is a Christian resourcing agency that began in the UK and grew out of the need for attractive, quality, practical materials for gospel work, which don’t compromise on the essentials of the Christian faith. It has a particular focus on daily devotional reading, small group Bible study, outreach, discipleship and resources for youth and children.
A number of The Good Book Company’s resources already have a strong following in the US and Canada, including Christianity Explored, The Gospel Centered Church, Christianity Explained and If you could ask God one Question. Now they are cheaper and easier to get hold of than ever before.
Editorial Director Tim Thornborough said, ‘When we exhibited at Together for the Gospel last year, we saw a real hunger for sound gospel resources which are faithful to the Bible but which also engage with an increasingly post-Christian culture. That's what we specialize in and our prayer is that the range of resources we've developed over the past two decades will serve to equip local churches in discipleship and reaching out with the gospel.”
US Ministry Director Brad Byrd said ‘February 2nd may be Groundhog Day on the calendar but, no matter what our furry friend may predict, spring has come early with the launch of The Good Book Company in the USA. A wave of fresh ideas, new perspectives and tried and true Biblical insights are available for the first time in North America.’
The launch has been timed to coincide with the Desiring God Pastor’s Conference in Minneapolis where two of The Good Book Company’s key resources - Christianity Explored and Christianity Explained – are being commended to delegates.
To celebrate the launch, visitors to thegoodbook.com will receive 10% off all purchases until the end of February.
For more details of the Good Book Company range, contact US Ministry Director, Brad Byrd at brad.byrd@thegoodbook.com or on 866 244 2165 (toll free). To browse the site, please visit http://www.thegoodbook.com/
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5 hours ago
1 comment:
I used 12 Questions with my previous church's youth ministry and their material is excellent. Christianity Explained is wonderfully done as well. High marks and this is very good news for those in the US.
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