“Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:4) Humility is true greatness as our friend C.J. Mahaney might say. The humble, the lowly of heart, are the exalted ones in the kingdom of heaven, not the braggarts, the strong, the worldly wise.
The Lord began teaching that with the beatitudes. The first one (Matt. 5:3) is “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Later in Matt. 20:26-28 Jesus says, “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
And without question Jesus is more humble than all. Phil. 2 says He made himself of no reputation… and took upon himself the form of slave… and became obedient to death. He came, the King and Creator of glory, and gave His life as a ransom for His people. Who would have imagined such humility from an omnipotent God?
In His humility Christ took upon himself human flesh… a nature that shrouded His true glory for a season.
In His humility… He obeyed the Law that He himself had given.
In His humility… He suffered ridicule and rejection, beatings and crucifixion… at the hands of men He had made.
In His humility... He tasted the curse of death, a curse pronounced against sinful men.
In His humility… He quietly suffered the wrath of God against sin that belonged to others… that belonged to us.
In His humility… He intercedes for us who believe on Him.
In His humility… He will bring wretched, undeserving sinners to share in His kingdom and glory.
My non-Christian friend… if the Savior has been so humble… surely it is right, then, that those who would be saved by Him… would humble themselves like children. Would see how their sins have made them helpless and unimportant babes. And would turn away from their sins… which have caused the Father’s wrath. And in humility and dependence, call out upon the Name of the Lord to be saved. Repentance and faith… turning and believing… are nothing more than humility leaning on Christ Jesus for rescue from a deserved hell.
Do you have that kind of humility? Do you admit that you are a sinner and that you do sin? Does your conscience convince you that you deserve the punishment of God for your sins? Do you admit that God is right and just to avenge sin? If so… then can you see your need to be rescued from God’s judgment against your sin? Can you see why you must humbly turn to Jesus and pray for His salvation? And do you see that you need to do this now… urgently… before it is too late and Judgment Day begins?
When The Path That I Fear Is the Way He Has Set
[image: The Path]There are some lyrics we all especially treasure, certain
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find mys...
5 hours ago
Thank you for this post. You have touched me this morning, Thabiti. Now, I would like to return the favor and touch your heart. Would you visit/read my blog post
I can't think of a better way to express your own thoughts....than through the eyes of a little boy in Africa....if you like it, leave me a comment :) I need them. It's a new blog.... ;)
Indeed, If Jesus our God had this humility, we too should act in the same manner. If we love this about our Savior we too should long to be like Him. May we see His grace and be transformed daily!
J. C. Hahne
A very challenging post indeed!
Thanks for it Thabiti.
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