Today I celebrate 18 years of marriage with my bride. Eighteen years ago she had the most incredible lapse of judgment--she said, "Yes" and made me the happiest man in the world.
We married in her mother's front yard. It was a sweltering August day, full of NC humidity. Dressed in traditional African garb, we entered into holy matrimony.
It was also a day full of laughs. The maid of honor dropped my ring somewhere in the grass. A few moment's delay searching for the ring and we were back on schedule. Kristie's grandmother, then well into her 90's with a touch of Alzheimer's, talked throughout the ceremony. My favorite line followed the part in the vows where the groom is charged to "love and cherish," etc. Grandma, Mrs. Nicie, spoke up and said, "He'd better or my son will shoot him!" I don't think she was joking.
The preacher, a dear man, had a rather severe lisp. Every time he pronounced an 's' Kristie and I received a small shower of saliva. We'd lean back, and he'd lean forward. And with the lisp, he mispronounced our names (Kristie and Ron, at the time) throughout the entire ceremony. My mother says we're not really married.
But here we are eighteen years later. Eighteen years full of grace and mercy from our Sovereign Savior. Eighteen years full of joy and occasional trial. Eighteen years of partnership in life and several years of partnership in ministry. Three adorable children and no pets. And by God's overwhelming grace, it's simply gotten better and better.
I still can't believe she said yes. And I'm convinced she's a Christian because she stays. Each day I'm impressed with the fact that I've married way up, well above my pay grade, that God has treated me far better than my sins deserve. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains the favor of the Lord." Each day she is a walking, talking, loving, caring, helping, laughing, encouraging, laboring reminder that on August 31, 1991 God showed me favor.
Happy Anniversary My Shorty,
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
[image: A La Carte Collection cover image]A La Carte: The 'ordo amoris' and
immigration policy / Sin casts a long shadow / But For the Cross of Christ
(a n...
3 hours ago
Congratulations on 18 wonderful years. May God bless you with many, many more!
We in Hotlanta say "Congratulations!" Indeed, Kristie's reward in heaven will be great. Please remind her for me that "if she endures, she will also reign with Him."
Be encouraged my brother! And much love to you and Kristie on this most blessed of days.
I am thanking the Lord with you for the 18 years He has given you and Kristie. I am also thankful for our friendship in ministry over that last three or four years, I can't remember. May you have many more years together and may your love abound more and more
Mungu awa barike na nema yeka iwalinde siku zanu zote. (Swahili for: God bless you and may his mercy attend the rest your days)
Great evidence that it's not a fancy . . .pour your life savings into it . . wedding day that makes for a good marriage. It's the growth together in Christ that makes it beautiful! Focus on the marriage everyone and not the petty details of a fancy wedding day. The Lord is all the beauty you need!!
Asante sana. Mungu akubariki.
Congratulations. Her ministry to you has affected your ministry to me through your writing and preaching. I am grateful that you 'married up' :--)
Happy Anniversary! May the Lord Bless both of you always. You are very bless to have each other.
Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion from NC but a UNC-Tarheels fan!
Congratulations to you and Kristie! Catherine and I thought your anecdote about Kristie's grandmother was hilarious! Since you are still alive, I know you've treated Kristie well. May God bless you both for many years to come.
Thanks, brother, for this God-glorifying, beautiful, and surprisingly humorous post! :-) I hope that I may someday be similarly blessed by such a Godly wife, if the Lord wills!
Praise God for women who don't wait for the guy they deserve. I married one too.
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