I've decided to add to my list of blogs/links a couple sites I've been benefitting from lately. I hope you'll check them out as well.
The first is Dan Edelen at Cerulean Sanctum. He's consistently insightful, chooses good topics, and is a good writer, a precious combination of qualities. I'd suggest you start with two posts from the last couple of weeks: Spiritainment, a critique of the individualistic, commercialized, and entertainment-focused culture of the church today; and "Chapter, Verse, Blog," a winsome lament of the tendency among too many Christians to turn the Scripture into a jigsaw puzzle of favorite verses and prooftexts. Good, edifying reading.
The second is Nathan Finn's blog The Fullness of Time. It's a blog devoted to Baptist history. Helpful resources and insights from a historical Baptist perspective. For a wider perspective, see the bloggers at Reformation Theology who come from various traditions with solidarity in Reformed theolgoy. For a broader historical perspective still, I've also added Historia Ecclesiastica.
Also, I enjoy the usually insightful and timely comments of Russell Moore over at the Carl F. H. Henry Instute for Evangelical Engagement. Russ and co. are thoughtful observors of our culture and helpful on a range of things from apologetics to political commentary to theology to... well, go check them out and see.
Perhaps one day I'll get around to categorizing some of these links for ease.
Kindle Desire at Another’s Fire
[image: Kindle Desire at Another’s Fire]
Has your desire for God withered? Is your affection for Jesus a fading
flame? In the fight of faith, have you been...
17 hours ago
1 comment:
A pleasure friend. Keep up the excellent writing. Grace and peace,
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