Here are a few things, some trivial, some interesting I've been noodling on lately.
1. Melinda Doolittle was robbed! Okay, yeah, I watch American Idol with the family some times. Ohhhh, the shame! But this year featured a couple contestants I really liked, who were full of Christian grace and character. Melinda Dolittle was one of them. And besides all that, she was clearly the best and most consistent singer on this year's show and any show that I can remember. She was robbed. Though, if history is any predictor, losing at this point is actually better for your career than becoming "the idol." Seems fitting that a Christian would not win that particular "honor" or label.
2. I'm adding a couple of blogs to my blogroll. All of these are operated by brothers I've gotten to know over the last couple years and appreciate for multiple reasons. They have a common passion for the Savior, a great love for His church, and a desire to see the church increasingly reformed according to the Word of God. The first two were recently interviewed on this blog. Perhaps I botched the interviews and they've decided to speak directly to the people! :-)
You might want to check out Lance Lewis (interviewed here) over at Blaque Tulip.
Also, visit Eric Redmond at A Man from Issachar. His purechurch interview is here. Today he offers some engaging reflections on the deaths of Jerry Fallwell and Martin Luther King, Jr. and our tendency to "sanitize" and "domesticate" our heroes.
The third blog is a group blog over at the Council for Reforming Churches. It includes the likes of Anthony Carter, Michael Leach, and others. The website also features sermon audio, upcoming events and articles.
3. Jury to hear case of woman suing pastor for fall during prayer. This article (HT: Lou Love) has too many things to comment on. Here's my question: how long was the woman in the Spirit, until she hit her head on the pew or until she filed the lawsuit?
Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?
[image: Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?]
Why are Christians most to be pitied if there’s no resurrection? Don’t we
still experienc...
6 hours ago
1 comment:
As an attorney, i daily receive reports of cases filed in area courts. Several months ago i noticed that a woman in Maryland sued Peter Popoff for FRAUD because the "miracle water" she purchased from him failed to heal her of her diseases. This is sad. i'd be embarrassed to represent either of them as clients.
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